Thursday, January 17, 2008

One way to secure our borders

(We are reproducing our article of October 1st, 2007, which could assist in enhancing the debate with certain presidential candidates)
There are better, and cheaper ways to protect our border with Mexico, which covers 1,951 miles.
- If the main reason to erect a wall of 700 miles (1/3 of the total border), consists in controlling the future number of illegal Mexicans in this country, we already know certain facts. We presently have about 12 million undocumented residents, who work at low wages or pay for various social benefits, that they will never take advantage of. Free money to the Government
Also, they don't always pay for the use of our hospital and school services, but pay taxes on items they purchase.The main and real question remains: what to do, now. There are various ways to find out who and where they are. But, assuming we gather all the information, do we keep them or force them to leave.
We do not need a wall for that. "Just wait, just wait, Mr. Lou Dobbs"The problem: how many more next year?
- If the real reason to erect a wall consists in eliminating all potential terrorists, in the event they are not already here, it is simply too late. The wall is not the solution.
We have a few suggestions with the following benefits:
* save $100 billion a year
* save face in Iraq
* create new jobs in our own country
* promote democracy
* positive approach with Latin America
* more security at home
We know, or should know, (because the world does), that our presence in Iraq has contributed to the cloning of hundreds and hundreds of Al-Qaeda groups and supporters. Perhaps, we should clone another Saddam for taking, and keeping control of Iraq.
Like it or not, there were three main sects before (we should have known that). They are still there today, they will still be there tomorrow...unless, we assist to a total genocide of one group.
There are two theories:
i- our presence in Iraq contributes to develop more enemies at a faster tempo that we succeed (or fail) to eliminate them
ii- if we leave, we will assist to a civil war (too late), or a greater chaos (already worse than the Saddam's regime).
We have a solution for leaving Iraq while saving face, regaining some credibility and respect from the rest of the world.
Let's see, first, the benefits in leaving Iraq. We could use our 147,000 soldiers to secure the 1,951 miles with Mexico. Imagine, we do not need a fence anymore. One soldier every 210 feet, with three shifts per day. We could save billions by not having to ship equipment overseas. We could create thousands of new jobs here, in United States, by not outsourcing billions and billions of dollars in food, shopping, fuel, repairs, and various articles.
This should definitely pleases Mr. Lou Dobbs of CNN: less outsourcing and a soldier every 210 feet for a more secure (and humane) border. Not only we could save $1.2 billion by not erecting the fence, but also, much more by decreasing the need of electronic equipment and high-tech TV cameras.
Our soldiers could be on the front line with the assistance of our border patrol as back-up or second levee, in case there is a breach on the front line. We could also use the thousands of trailers paid for Katrina, presently sleeping in the middle of nowhere, for assisting our troops.
Who said that the aftermath of Katrina was poorly planned? A United Front: the army, the reserve, the national guard, the border patrol....How better can we show the world that we are United..... After all, we are the United States of America....standing on guard, protecting our Mexican border, from Pacific Ocean to Gulf of Mexico. Additional benefits: it will be much easier to recruit new volunteers....less pressure tactics....Who would not like to serve our country in guarding our border against illegal immigrants or potential terrorists.
It is becoming harder and harder to fight the enemies abroad, instead of having to fight them at home. The problem: abroad becomes, more and more, a broader abroad, much longer and larger than 1,951 miles. It should be easier to stop the terrorists at our door.
We should remember that the actors of 9/11 were from inside. We will never succeed to stop the thinking of outsiders. Father Haliburton (Cheney, alias the real decider) will be mad, with such a scenario, but, if we want to promote democracy, we must show, and proof, that the will of the many, prevails over the will of the few.
So, Mr. Bush, tear down that wall. Republicans are very good at telling other countries to tear down their walls, and lecturing the world about democracy. Very ineffective at practising at home.
Now, for the solution of leaving Iraq, it is a simple, but practical idea. We will only share it with the new President. Forget the present Administration.
For those who believe we can win in Iraq, the question is: winning what? Who will pay for the 2 million people who have been displaced, and the million killed? How will we recover from the loss of prestige, credibility and trust? How about the trauma for our own soldiers and their families, when they come back? How about the collapse of our economy? How about the influence of China and Russia in strategic countries, gained at our own expense? How about the reputation of our so-called strongest army in the world, if we are still fighting after five years?
So, we are winning what?
The Facilitator.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

It's NOT the economy, stupid

Now, that our brilliant presidential candidates have finally discovered the poor economic health of our country, if we exclude a few Republicans (Bush, still does not know what is a recession), we are witnessing a series of programs to cure our cancer. Because, cancer it is, and will get worse, unless there is a candidate with courage to stand up, and diagnose the real causes of our financial illness.
Forget the 1990s with "it's the economy, stupid". Fifteen years later, we did not learn anything. It's not the economy, but us, only us, who are stupid. No use to repeat the accumulation of mistakes made by the White House, with the support of a spineless and irresponsible Congress.
By allowing young couples to buy a $400,000. house with no down-payment, no interest (combined with the big cars in the driveway, and luxury furniture), the real world was just watching and waiting to see the foreseeable disastrous ending. We just can dream so much. Eventually, we have to wake up....or stay in bed....or take more sleeping pills. We are addicted to oil, but also to drugs.
We will just briefly enumerate a few causes of our financial woes. First, Americans, as individuals, are not savings. As a matter of fact, they spend more than they earn. As a nation, forget it. We are just getting deeper and deeper in red.
Secondly, cutting the interest rate is not the solution, but part of the problem. We provide a short term stimulus, but, six months later, we face a bigger problem. A band-aid solution can protect temporary, but does not cure the wound.
Thirdly, we must stop borrowing, as a nation, and as individuals. More than time to address the huge budget deficit. We are shipping billions and billions in interest to Asia and other international lenders. The collapsing value of our dollar for the last four years make it more difficult to borrow abroad. Already, several international companies and financial entities are switching to the Euro as their currency of exchange.
Fourth, we have accumulated so many faux-pas in our foreign policy (see several of our articles, last year), that we are assisting other countries to outbid us in international trades. We are losing more time and energy in boycotting certain countries, than trying to create mutually beneficial business relationships.
Because of our naive, childish, and retarded approach with Cuba, we are losing an important share of the Latin American countries, a market of 500 million consumers.
Because of our arrogant, narrow-minded and stupid behaviour with Iran, we are alienating several Arab countries, making a joke of ourselves, and providing companies of other countries to compete, at our own disadvantage.
While we are wasting one trillion dollars (and counting) in Iraq, China and Russia develop strategic alliances with the real world, including Europe.
Fifth, Washington is responsible for the economic problems in Michigan. Irresponsible Congress should have forced, a long time ago, the production of more efficient cars. No, they were bribed by lobbyists. Not in Japan.
It is NOT the is us, we the people, who are stupid. So, we have the government we deserve. Sorry for the children of the boomers who will pay for the ignorance of their parents.
The Facilitator.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Bill Clinton, our Vladimir Putin

In five months, Vladimir Putin, present President of Russian Federation, will probably be elected Prime Minister, with the support of his loyal friend, Dimitri Medvedev who should succeed him as President. In other words, new title, but same leader.
We remember the empty and arrogant comment by Bush: "We will not accept a change of power from Fidel to Raul Castro". The White House has been more polite (?) in the case of Putin.
Now, the real world is looking at us, and wonder if Bill Clinton, via Hillary, will again be the commander of the White House. He is fighting quite hard to get her elected, so much, that he lost his status of statesmanship.
It is more than time for Hillary to convince us of who will be in charge, if she is nominated, and elected. She should be honest with the public. The best way will be to send her husband away, very far away. He is probably more a liability than an asset.
Time to tell us who wears the pants in this election. If she found her voice in New Hampshire, via gullible women, she must now find a sincere and honest path to Washington. The real world has changed. The 90s and the present Republicans (but Ron Paul) are not the solution for our future. We are bankrupt, isolated and disliked. Still, 30% prefer to keep their head in the sand.
As well, a few leaders of the Democratic Party, Reid, From, Ford, should learn to be neutral, or resign. If not, they might lose the White House again.
The Facilitator

Saturday, January 12, 2008

If I were Edwards (6)

Cheney-Bush Regime has been a divider, at home, and a uniter, abroad. Unfortunately, the White House, in its great wisdom and savoir faire, has succeeded in assisting Hugo Chavez to develop strategic relationship with most of the 20 Latin American countries.

Because of the retarded mentality that prevails in Miami, we have succeeded to make Fidel Castro an international hero.

Because of our disastrous failure in Iraq, we have been blaming Iran, and diverting the attention from several major problems at home. We are now assisting Iran to develop strong allies in the Arab world.

There is no use to discus the irresponsible and unrealistic comments by Bush, concerning the Palestine issue. After seven years, he just realizes what the real world has known for twenty years.

Stupidly, naively, the White House is trying to convince the Arab World to gather against Iran. Again, another great strategy to alienate million more people, and have the world laughing at us.

As reported in several Gulf State media, including Koweit, Bush's attempts to portray Iran as a danger were another of a series of lies. Most of the Arab States understand that a powerful Iran, as a neighbour, will be their best friend. Not the United States. They do not buy our Iranophobia.

The Arab countries, the Egyptians, the Saudis, have adopted a new policy. They decided to ameliorate their relations with Iran,” said Diaa Rashwan, a political analyst at the Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies in Cairo.
Mr. Bush's efforts to convince them to reverse course will likely fail because the war in Iraq and the President's perceived pro-Israel bias have driven American credibility near an all-time low in the Arab world, he said.

It's a sentiment that's widely felt around the region. “Bush can't force me to have Iran as an enemy. Iran will be our neighbour for thousands, millions of years. We need to have peaceful relations with our neighbours,” said Nabeel Rajab, head of the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights.

As we have said before, it is more than time for Edwards to stand up, and show how the Republican candidates, at the exception of Ron Paul and Huckabee, should be held accountable for their irresponsible attitude in supporting the Bush regime.

Edwards should also ask Hillary what is her new position of change about Iran.

Edwards should also ask the Pentagon to produce the whole video of the incident with the Iranian speedboats, before the said tapes are destroyed. The American public must have the opportunity to view the tape (without cuts) and find out, if we can hear the noise of motors, waves and wind, when the Iranian commander apparently gave the so-called ultimatum.

The Facilitator.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

If I were Edwards (5)

While the energies and money of both Clinton and Obama are presently used to outdo each other, Edwards could outsmart them by paying more attention to our Foreign Affairs. So many fiascoes by the Cheney-Bush regime, and all Republican presidential candidates (except Ron Paul), still support the White House.

Edwards has a great opportunity to attack all of them, and in the same time, gain some credibility at the international level. We all know, but 30% of the population and Fox News, that we have lost the friendship and respect from most of the Latin American countries. Only a market of 500 million people. Not important.

Forget the Middle-East. It will take a few generations, if, we ever recover. In Asia, they do not listen to us anymore. Now, we are losing ground in Europe, at various levels. We have seen that Poland and Czech are not interested in harbouring a US Missile-Base Program, and do not buy our propaganda against Iran, Iraq, and the war on terror.
Another example: the director of the Russian Academy of Science's Space Research Institute, Lev Zeleny, has just announced that Russian and European scientists were preparing several crafts for an expedition to Jupiter and its moon Europa. The project, he said, is being called Laplace. Its main goal will be the exploration of Europa, which has liquid water on it, under a layer of ice kilometers deep.
Several months ago, we have mentioned that American companies and entities will be facing tougher competition for getting contracts abroad. In addition, the declining value of our dollar will accelerate the use of the Euro as the future main currency. OPEC is already working for such a change. China has already started.
The ultimatums, insults and threats by an irresponsible White House, and their sycophants, only succeed to isolate us with the real world. Meanwhile, China, Russia, and Chavez build strategic alliances. Time for Edwards to denounce such a disastrous path. Our children will pay a heavy addition to the alarming deficits. Thanks to a spineless Congress.
The Facilitator

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

If I were Edwards (4)

Several months ago, we have mentioned that John Edwards should distinguish himself from the other presidential candidates, by adding the important Foreign Affairs to his agenda. Never too late.
He should attack right now all the Republican candidates, at the exception of Ron Paul, and ask them their strategy for our missile-defense bases in Europe. All five of them support the disastrous Bush doctrine, abroad.
We have seen in the article # 2 of our series "If I were Edwards", that Poland is not willing to accept a US base four our Missile-Defense Program. Now, according to a Czech pollster, CVVM,
the number of Czech citizens who feel negatively about the placement of American missile defense facilities in the Czech Republic has risen to 70 percent.
What are the tough Republicans, with no brain, planning to do? Force their selfish agenda again, against the will of the majority (we promote democracy abroad, right?).....or bribe their leaders as we did to build the Iraq coalition.....or invade both countries.....or accuse Russia to interfere in Europe......or blame Iran for......(something to come).
Edwards could also ask the same question to Hillary, because she is so afraid of Iran, or so pro-Pentagon. Experience of so many years, or 25 years of the same experience, or simply gullibility. We must rebuild our international image, and can not afford to repeat the same mistakes.
Our best defence and strength will be to close our 700 bases abroad, stop alienating the real world, and concentrate in protecting our own country, at home. Make sure we are fully secure against all attacks from outsiders.
As well, all politicians, bureaucrats, advisers, paid by American taxpayers should work for the exclusive interest of United States. Not for someone else.
The Facilitator.

Monday, January 07, 2008

If I were Edwards (3)

Change versus Experience.

Clinton claims her numerous years of experience in the White House as First Lady, before as the first lady of Arkansas, and now as Senator of New York. Having met and shaking hands with several leaders in Washington and/or abroad, is not a prerequisite gaining experience in Foreign Affairs and in managing the direction of the country.
Richardson pretends he has more experience because he has held several functions in the Clinton Administration, and has negotiated with a few foreign leaders. First of all, learning to be polite, knowing the customs of foreign countries and being able not to insult his hosts, are part of the experience. When Richardson showed the sole of his shoes to Sadam, that was a no, no. That was extremely poor behaviour.
The number of years in a function does not mean anything. Twenty-five years of experience, or 25 years of the same experience. That's the question, Edwards should ask to both of them. If they did not learn before, will they repeat the same fiasco we have seen with Bush-Cheney-Rice. Forget Bolton...and Lieberman....they are not working for the American people, but dare to be paid by the taxpayers.
The Facilitator

If I were Edwards (2)

I would take the lead in our disastrous foreign policy, and attack all Republican candidates (at the exception of Ron Paul).

Pursuant to the decision of Poland not to accept Missile-Defense Bases from the United States, in spite of the fact that we paid their entry in Iraq, I will challenge all Republicans, and Hillary, if they are still pursuing the same course in our own war abroad.

Poland is not worry about Iran. Who is? Cheney and Bolton, of Lieberman, the Senator of Israel, paid by the American taxpayers, and a bunch of sycophants at the Pentagon.

Time for Edwards to stand up, and make a difference in our foreign policy. The Cheney regime via Bush puppet has succeeded in alienating Russia, China, most of Latin America, most of European countries. We have so few friends, that we are now the isolated people. Please, Condi, stop travelling abroad.

The Facilitator.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

If I were Edwards (1)

All of a sudden, all presidential candidates are for "change". The new motto. But, who can deliver "real" changes? From Saturday's night debate:
Hillary: "As Senator of New York, I have made changes....sign those bills. When we came to the White House in 1992, we were facing a huge deficit. When we left, we had a great surplus. That's change. When I become the President, I will be the first woman elected. That's is change"

Edwards: "Is it not part of the job as Senator to do something? All Senators, Governors, all of us running as candidates have done something. It was our job. Now, Hillary, are you taking credit for the years of Bill Clinton? Does it mean if you are elected, your husband will be running the show?"

"You have been in the White House for 8 years. So, Hillary, if you are elected president, there will be no change. If Obama is elected, that will be a change. If I am elected, I will not only change the colours, I will expel all lobbysts from the White House temple. That will be real change."