Let's seize the assets of....
More than time to seize the assets of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Bolton, Lieberman and other sycophants of the Cheney-Bush Regime, including executives of Halliburton. We have put in jail certain businessmen because they mismanaged a few hundred millions of a few thousand shareholders. But, we have ignored the incompetence at Fannie Mae.
How about those who have mismanaged a few trillions of 300 million taxpayers? In addition, they have lied to the population, for their own personal and short-sighted interest.
Because of our spineless Congress, it is too late to impeach Cheney-Bush, but not too late to show the world, and our future generation, that those who did abuse of their power, should and will pay. A great example for our children and a unique lesson for future politicians.
Time to stand up for our values, and be respected. How can we expect to regain our trust, prestige and credibility with the real world, if we can not respect ourselves.
Time for action is....yesterday.
The Facilitator.
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