An incompetent Rice
Once more, Condi is just showing her ignorance and incompetence to the real world, combined with her arrogance, typical of the sycophants at the White House.
She naively believes that she can negotiate peace in Middle East, when, before starting any negotiations, she already blames Hamas. In addition, since the hypocrite attempt to proclaim a peace agreement, she refuses to recognize a democratically elected government.
She has lost, since her first year as Secretary of State, all credibility, respect and trust. No one is listening to the White House, anyhow.
The November elections are not coming too soon, hoping this time, that Americans will get smarter, and reject McCain and all other Republican candidates for Governors, Senators and Representatives, but Ron Paul.
Fortunately, we have several competent and open-minded personalities, within the Democratic Party, who could restore our image at the international level. All of them, Edwards, Richardson, Biden, Dean, Dodds, and so many more, will provide a huge positive asset in various functions of the Government.
We also desperately need a President with clairvoyance, and Obama has so far demonstrated that he was thinking far ahead of everyone else for our Foreign Policy; Iraq, Pakistan being a few examples, combined with the notion to talk with foreign leaders. Being arrogant in an ivory tower is surely not a prerequisite to create friends, or make a rapprochement.
Obama is the only one who understood the Truman era. See our article of September 12, 2006:
"the mistake of Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy"
Efficiency and judgment requires clairvoyance, but also, a look at the past, to avoid having 25 years the same experience.
The Facilitator
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