Sunday, January 13, 2008

Bill Clinton, our Vladimir Putin

In five months, Vladimir Putin, present President of Russian Federation, will probably be elected Prime Minister, with the support of his loyal friend, Dimitri Medvedev who should succeed him as President. In other words, new title, but same leader.
We remember the empty and arrogant comment by Bush: "We will not accept a change of power from Fidel to Raul Castro". The White House has been more polite (?) in the case of Putin.
Now, the real world is looking at us, and wonder if Bill Clinton, via Hillary, will again be the commander of the White House. He is fighting quite hard to get her elected, so much, that he lost his status of statesmanship.
It is more than time for Hillary to convince us of who will be in charge, if she is nominated, and elected. She should be honest with the public. The best way will be to send her husband away, very far away. He is probably more a liability than an asset.
Time to tell us who wears the pants in this election. If she found her voice in New Hampshire, via gullible women, she must now find a sincere and honest path to Washington. The real world has changed. The 90s and the present Republicans (but Ron Paul) are not the solution for our future. We are bankrupt, isolated and disliked. Still, 30% prefer to keep their head in the sand.
As well, a few leaders of the Democratic Party, Reid, From, Ford, should learn to be neutral, or resign. If not, they might lose the White House again.
The Facilitator