If I were Edwards (2)
I would take the lead in our disastrous foreign policy, and attack all Republican candidates (at the exception of Ron Paul).
Pursuant to the decision of Poland not to accept Missile-Defense Bases from the United States, in spite of the fact that we paid their entry in Iraq, I will challenge all Republicans, and Hillary, if they are still pursuing the same course in our own war abroad.
Poland is not worry about Iran. Who is? Cheney and Bolton, of course....plus Lieberman, the Senator of Israel, paid by the American taxpayers, and a bunch of sycophants at the Pentagon.
Time for Edwards to stand up, and make a difference in our foreign policy. The Cheney regime via Bush puppet has succeeded in alienating Russia, China, most of Latin America, most of European countries. We have so few friends, that we are now the isolated people. Please, Condi, stop travelling abroad.
The Facilitator.
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