Friday, September 28, 2007

Canada: axis of evil

We are lucky to have only 100 we can limit the number of irresponsible, ignorant and arrogant statements, as well as the number of short-sighted and narrow-minded decisions.

Senators are erecting an alarming list of enemies. Soon, the whole world will be our enemy. . .or perhaps, the real world will be convinced that we are the enemy. We boycott Cuba, Chavez, North Korea, Palestine, Iran, and so many more. Congress did boycott the French Fries, and now MoveOn.

According to the brilliant (?) Senator of Colorado, Ken Salazar, at the hearings of Government Accountability Office, "there are more international terrorist organizations active in Canada than anywhere else in the world".

As the other 99 Senators (those who are not on the campaign trail), did not challenge the remark, they acquiesce. So, if our clairvoyant (?) Senators prohibit American companies to deal in Iran, in their great logic, they should also close the billions dollars a day trade between the two countries.
Oops....Canada is our biggest oil provider. Oops, we can not secure 1,900 miles with Mexico, how will we succeed to guard 5,100 miles with the Canadian borders.

To the naive and ignorant Senate, Canadians are not interested to move into our country. They are not looking for jobs here, they have a better health care system, a much better education program, a much higher quality of life, and they feel secure at home, and their children in schools.

Of course, to dissimulate our incompetence, we blame others. Senator Clinton blamed Canada for the entrance of the 19 hijackers in September 2001. It was easier to impress Americans, while ignoring that the terrorists, sponsored by our friends in Saudi Arabia, were in Florida for months before.

We blame Iran for our fiasco in Iraq. We blame Chavez for a series of left-leaning governments in Latin America, although they were elected by a majority (with all the votes counted as it should be in a real democracy). We blame Palestine for the problem in Lebanon. We blame North Korea for exporting nuclear weapon expertise, but we forget to blame Pakistan. We blame Syria for anything else.

It is not surprising that the real world is laughing at us, especially when we have a Senator (paid by the taxpayers) defending the interest of Israel at the expense of our own interest, and the future of our children.

To our credit, we have achieved something from our Iraq invasion: make their citizens (excluding the 4 millions who left, and the one million who have been killed), as secure as shopping in Indianapolis.

As mentioned in previous articles, in the last year, we, as Americans, have insulted 85 million Vietnamese, 300 million Europeans, and now 35 million Canadians. Early, this week, a president of a so-called university insulted 65 million Iranians, and has shown the whole world the extremely poor etiquette of the American people.

A University must be a centre for an exchange ideas, and respect of others who share a different opinion. The poor behaviour of a few fanatic groups confirm that freedom of ideas does not really exist in United States. The real world will not think otherwise, especially when the Senate and Congress dare to take a vote to condemn MoveOn.
Listening to different views becomes an opportunity to better understand the other party, and to establish a liaison for a possible agreement on something. Those who close the door just reveal their fear and how uncomfortable they are in their own shoes. To invite Ahminedijad was the right thing to do; to insult him, was the wrong thing to do.

From the Senate and Congress, we can not expect more from the Republicans. But, it is disappointing to see, again, and again, spineless Democrats, with no guts, no courage. They should concentrate on more important issue, starting by the boycott of irresponsible Senators.

For a better America, for a better future for our children, more than urgent time for a third option.

The Facilitator.