Exporting Insults (2)
Pursuant to our article of yesterday, "Exporting insults, ignorance, incompetence", we would like to share with you a few comments from readers.
From The Telegraph, London:
pigswill 25 Sep 2007 18:07
Well said. You are so right, unfortunately I am unable to expound further due to a pressing engagement. Good luck.
Well said. You are so right, unfortunately I am unable to expound further due to a pressing engagement. Good luck.
whatmustafricado 25 Sep 2007 18:11
yes that shows how uncivilized some american people are. it was very disgraceful. i know whitehouse is behind all, just to disgrace the sovereignty of another country. the iranian president exhibited to the world how civilized and dimplotic he was to stand all that nonsense. I wish it was chavez to lash on the president of the uni.bUSH is one of the worst leaders to exist in the history of the world. there is an end to anything and i know bUSH admin days are numbered. i gave you my vote.
yes that shows how uncivilized some american people are. it was very disgraceful. i know whitehouse is behind all, just to disgrace the sovereignty of another country. the iranian president exhibited to the world how civilized and dimplotic he was to stand all that nonsense. I wish it was chavez to lash on the president of the uni.bUSH is one of the worst leaders to exist in the history of the world. there is an end to anything and i know bUSH admin days are numbered. i gave you my vote.
From John Edwards blog:
SAD indeed. And I fear that we are losing the ability to think critically--it's being trained out of us. Along with an understanding of the old social contracts..we have generations now that lost that understanding and the ability to anticipate how such ignorance will eventually come back and bite them in the collective ass.
I've been well hammered even in this forum by "progressive" folks with pink glasses welded to their heads, amazed that I dare to suggest there are other colors.
Scary times my friend...thanks for your post.
by Fr4nki on 9/25/2007 at 2:23 PM CST
There's a movement toward the Euro as the currency of exchange. That would cause great disruption and compromises to the American markets. It is wise of Edwards to hang around that hedge fund and the Council on Foreign Relations for a while to gain a better knowledge of the international monetary system and its many inputs. Oklahoma Voter
by OklahomaVoter on 9/25/2007 at 9:27 PM CST
I've been well hammered even in this forum by "progressive" folks with pink glasses welded to their heads, amazed that I dare to suggest there are other colors.
Scary times my friend...thanks for your post.
by Fr4nki on 9/25/2007 at 2:23 PM CST
There's a movement toward the Euro as the currency of exchange. That would cause great disruption and compromises to the American markets. It is wise of Edwards to hang around that hedge fund and the Council on Foreign Relations for a while to gain a better knowledge of the international monetary system and its many inputs. Oklahoma Voter
by OklahomaVoter on 9/25/2007 at 9:27 PM CST
Comments by a reader:
Well, in the last three days, I believe I've seen/heard about enough of this Iranian President to last me several lifetimes.
Still an unanswered question in my mind as to what, if anything, he was hopeful of `gaining' insofar as `US public opinion'...?
On a dispassionate note though, I couldn't help visualizing GWB along with Ahmadinejad as veritable mirror-images... the highest embarassments to both countries and the "worst" of what their nations can represent.
Well, in the last three days, I believe I've seen/heard about enough of this Iranian President to last me several lifetimes.
Still an unanswered question in my mind as to what, if anything, he was hopeful of `gaining' insofar as `US public opinion'...?
On a dispassionate note though, I couldn't help visualizing GWB along with Ahmadinejad as veritable mirror-images... the highest embarassments to both countries and the "worst" of what their nations can represent.
Reply by The Facilitator:
First, Ahmadinejad has the guts to go in front of a foreign audience, while Bush can not even dare to face the American public
First, Ahmadinejad has the guts to go in front of a foreign audience, while Bush can not even dare to face the American public
Two, Iran did not invade any country.
Third, Ahmadinejad is willing to face Bush in a Forum at UN. Bush is shitting in his pant.
Fourth, Iran did not displace 4 million people nor killed a million Iraqis.
Fifth, US has weapon of mass destruction, and allows India, Pakistan, Israel to build nuclear weapons, while Iran can not have such a privilege to defend herself. We know what happened in Iraq.
Iraq was a stable nation before the US invasion. Now, it is chaos in hell, at the border of Iran.
What US would do if Chavez was invading Mexico or Canada? Be quiet???
US forbids US companies to deal with Iran, while Haliburton via irresponsible hypocrite Cheney has quite a good operation in Iran via subsidiaries.
Iraq was a stable nation before the US invasion. Now, it is chaos in hell, at the border of Iran.
What US would do if Chavez was invading Mexico or Canada? Be quiet???
US forbids US companies to deal with Iran, while Haliburton via irresponsible hypocrite Cheney has quite a good operation in Iran via subsidiaries.
Who is lying here? Who is laughing at his own people? Who is having his own citizens killed.
The invasion was supposed to get rid of weapons of mass destruction. Then, it became a promotion of democracy. Now, we must restore chaos in hell, situation we have created.
The real world does not need us, anymore. We should take care of all our problems at home.
by The Facilitator (The Liaison)on 9/25/2007 at 7:57 PM CST
by The Facilitator (The Liaison)on 9/25/2007 at 7:57 PM CST
re: The Facilitator...
I cannot take-issue with your statements above, or, with the implications of its questions... because they (pretty much) seem to represent an overlay of my feelings.
Do you think it realistic to anticipate an overwhelming Dem majority in the House and Senate next election... enough to assure the power-base for real change?
by JawsandPaws (doralul100@comcast.net)
I cannot take-issue with your statements above, or, with the implications of its questions... because they (pretty much) seem to represent an overlay of my feelings.
Do you think it realistic to anticipate an overwhelming Dem majority in the House and Senate next election... enough to assure the power-base for real change?
by JawsandPaws (doralul100@comcast.net)
I don't trust realism anymore...
If the dems would stop acting like geldings every once in a while I would. If the press would remember what they are supposed to be doing; if the Republicans would find their conscience; if America had not lost sight of her promise; if, only if.
It's disheartening to watch the democrats capitulate time after time to this mad man so what IF they do gain control? They've becomes such shrinking lemmings it matters very little.
I worry too that the business of hijacking the vote has become so scientific and successful that it doesn't even matter who gets voted into office--those that really hold power will forward their champions and they will ascend the thrown.
Sorry, I feel awfully jaded tonight. On the up side though, with all the positive press about HRC, one hardly needs to use the ipecac anymore...
eh... by Fr4nkie
If the dems would stop acting like geldings every once in a while I would. If the press would remember what they are supposed to be doing; if the Republicans would find their conscience; if America had not lost sight of her promise; if, only if.
It's disheartening to watch the democrats capitulate time after time to this mad man so what IF they do gain control? They've becomes such shrinking lemmings it matters very little.
I worry too that the business of hijacking the vote has become so scientific and successful that it doesn't even matter who gets voted into office--those that really hold power will forward their champions and they will ascend the thrown.
Sorry, I feel awfully jaded tonight. On the up side though, with all the positive press about HRC, one hardly needs to use the ipecac anymore...
eh... by Fr4nkie
Excerpts from Huffington Post, article by Byron Williams
Bollinger Managed to Out-Ahmadinejad Ahmadinejad
Posted September 25, 2007 04:29 PM (EST)
* Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad comes to town and we lose our national etiquette.
Posted September 25, 2007 04:29 PM (EST)
* Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad comes to town and we lose our national etiquette.
* Columbia University had three choices: Deny Ahmadinejad the opportunity to speak, allow him to speak, or allow him speak with the additive of American arrogance and propaganda. Sadly, they chose the third option; and Ahmadinejad got what he wanted--to portray America as the unreasonable one in this dangerous game that belies his propensity to smile as he offers his bona fides to the world.There is something about our national psyche that will not allow us to ignore a fight no matter how petty it may be. It appears that Ahmadinejad understands this for better than we do.
Reply by The Facilitator:
Reply by The Facilitator:
Very well said, Byron. The Real World surely agree with you.
Unfortunately, half of Americans still do not understand that we don't control the planet, anymore. We need more friends, not enemies.
You should visit: the-liaison.blogspot.com and read their latest article "Exporting insults, ignorance, incompetence"
Our US dollar lost 65% of its value in the last five years. We have lost much more: our prestige, trust, credibility, respect. Feel sorry for the next generation. We are back to the 50s. We just replaced communism by terrorism. This time, we are creating the enemy.
Reply posted 07:53 am on 09/26/2007
Reply posted 07:53 am on 09/26/2007
Excerpts from New York Times, editorial by Maureen Dowd: "FRUITBAT" at Bat.
* New York’s hot blast of nastiness, jingoism and xenophobia toward its guest, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, only served to pump him up for his domestic audience. Iranians felt that their president had tied everyone in knots, including the “Zionist Jews,” as Iranian state television said. The Times reports that Mohsen Rezai, a former head of the Revolutionary Guards, was on TV criticizing the rude treatment his president received: “It is shocking that a country that claims to be civilized treats him that way.”
* New York’s hot blast of nastiness, jingoism and xenophobia toward its guest, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, only served to pump him up for his domestic audience. Iranians felt that their president had tied everyone in knots, including the “Zionist Jews,” as Iranian state television said. The Times reports that Mohsen Rezai, a former head of the Revolutionary Guards, was on TV criticizing the rude treatment his president received: “It is shocking that a country that claims to be civilized treats him that way.”
* Reagan was able to help the Soviet Union — and world communism — to fall apart. All W. has managed to do is destroy the country he wanted to turn into a democracy and make Iran more powerful than it was before.
* Once you’ve made the decision to invite a tyrannical leader, you can’t undo it by belittling him in public. Universities are supposed to be places where you can debate and hear dissenting voices; it would have been far better just to hand the mike to the students and let it rip.
* President Bush is the one who hardened the Iranian resolve to get a nuclear weapon with his policy of negotiating with countries like North Korea that have nukes and invading countries that don’t, like Iraq. W. and his advisers always act shocked that Iran is meddling in Iraq.
* President Bush is the one who hardened the Iranian resolve to get a nuclear weapon with his policy of negotiating with countries like North Korea that have nukes and invading countries that don’t, like Iraq. W. and his advisers always act shocked that Iran is meddling in Iraq.
The Facilitator will not argue with beauty, brain, knowledge, and judgment.
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