Saturday, September 01, 2007

We do not dictate, anymore

The 20th century has been recognized for the American power, American prestige, American know-how. Only seven years in the 21st century, and we already have lost our credibility and respect. Before, foreign leaders were coming to Washington. In the last few years, Washington has been going abroad, as never before, for trying to appease other nations. No use to enumerate the numerous trips of Cheney and Rice, all of them, without any significant success.

Military power, threats, bullying approaches, boycotts, embargoes, do not scare foreigners, anymore. Even Panama does stand up against us. The consequences are more negative to us, than to those we try to influence.

The narrow-minded, short-sighted, arrogant and ignorant staff at the White House are not the only ones to blame. The members of the 109th and 110th Congress bear also a great responsibility. And they are far to be smarter in regard to our Foreign Affairs.

Who do we think we are, to tell others to re-evaluate their currency? If we take China, as an example, our Congress is so ignorant that they do not realize that a stronger yuan will increase the amount of our debt, and require, every years, billions more dollars, just to pay the interest.

We are blaming China for the contamination of certain products. But who is giving the purchase orders? Chinese or American companies? Who is asking for the specifications? Who is asking for the cheapest price?

American consumers are also responsible. They are looking for cheap products, and they are shopping at stores that offer them. Of course, the quality, and the safety, are not at the top of the production line. If parents want a toy without lead, they should not expect to pay $10. but perhaps $15.

We are in a free country, so far. No one obliges us to buy products from China. No one forces us to sell Treasury Notes to China. We should blame ourselves. Of course, it is always easier to ignore responsibility in economic matter, as in politics. Easier to blame Iran for our fiasco in Iraq, but forget that Saudi Arabia is arming Sunnis, Al Qaeda was not there before, our invasion was extremely poorly managed, and thousands and thousands of equipment have been stolen.

We have succeeded in decreasing the oil production and distribution in Iraq, and increasing the production and sale of opium from Alghanistan. Perhaps, we have been fooled again: the invasion was not for the oil, but for the opium. That could explain the strange judgment and behaviour of Cheney, Rice, Bolton, Negroponte, Gonzales, Chertoff, and other Bushies.

It is not the fault of China, Iran or Chavez if we have a negative savings rate, if we post an alarming trade and budget deficits, if our school system does not compete with the real word, if we have a few million home owners who bought a house they can not afford, etc. etc.

Two years ago (Katrina), we were told by the Bush family and their sycophants not to play the blame game. Amazing how the social and family values of 2004 have changed.....or did they really changed.....or simply, most of the 52% were blind by their faith?

The future does not look too bright, either. None of all the presidential candidates did dare to recognize the problem. How can they elaborate any solution? Easier to get a few electoral points, by blaming China, Iran and Chavez (till we find someone else, for something else). Same hypocrisy with outsourcing, and democracy. Tough talk, but no concrete action.

Members of the Congress should look into their respective mirror: they will see our enemies. Forget the White House: Bush family has installed the kind of distorted mirrors we find in a circus. Unfortunately, the rest of the world is progressing while we are losing our time, energy, resources, and money, to justify our state of denial. Do we need a revolution to reverse the trend? Is there any presidential candidate who can apply "courage in politics"?

The Facilitator