Last week, Miss USA has been booed at the Miss Universe Pageant in Mexico. Surprising that Donald Trump was surprised. He should have fired the President, a long time ago.
Unfortunately, we will hear and witness more and more boos in the next five years, at various international events attended by American delegates and athletes. For those who do not understand, sorry, but please, do not travel abroad, and continue to listen to FOX News.
The Summer Olympics will be held in Beijing, next year. Our athletes will be under tremendous pressure, not necessarily from the Chinese people, but from participants from other countries, including athletes, fans, media representatives, executives, etc.
We just hope someone at the American Olympic Organization will prepare our athletes accordingly, and teach them how to behave abroad, and customs of the host country. In other words, some manners and respect for others will be appreciated. Forget the arrogance we have seen by the White House, in the last six years. We will be more than pleased to make a contribution.
Boos are only one facet of the sad reality facing us in the future. Chicago is applying to host the 2016 Summer Olympics, and will be competing against Madrid, Tokyo, Prague, Rio de Janeiro, and probably a country in Africa.
A great majority of the population of the great majority of countries do not respect us anymore. We have lost our credibility and trust. Thanks to the Bush family and their sycophants. Thanks to a spineless Congress.
What city will receive a friendly support? Anyone, anything, but Chicago. How about other international events, conventions, contracts? Again, we will be on the losing track.
As we have seen with the recent events at World Bank, there is a good chance, that the future President will not be American. There is a strong possibility to see a diminishing role for the World Bank, as it is today, with alternative Banks in Europe, and Latin America. Thanks to our Dear President for naming another incompetent, and arrogant person, with no ethics, no moral, in spite of the warnings. Same mistake with John Bolton, a non-diplomat ambassador to UN.
It will take a generation before gaining back the trust and credibility with the Real World, if, as and when, we learn to elect a President who has some clairvoyance and "savoir-faire". Our next President will need management skills and appropriate judgment for selecting our Ambassadors, people with manners and culture, who knows how to get along with the host country.
Amazing to notice that Bill Richardson who claims to have a great expertise in Foreign Affairs, dared to talk, at the New Hampshire Debate, about a possible boycott of 2008 Olympics. Surprising also for an Ambassador who did not know the custom of Arab people, including to make sure not to show the sole of his shoes. Richardson is surely better than Bolton, but not enough to restore our future credibility.
Also, we desperately need a President who will have the courage in politics to change our childish policy with Cuba. It should have been done a long time ago. The Real World is laughing at us. Because of our narrowminded approach, we have provided Castro with an international forum of heroism, and gave him most of the prestige he brillantly succeeded to capitalize on.
It is discouraging to notice (and live with) that one third of one percent of our population, the ex-cubans in Miami, have bungled our Foreign Policy and penalize 99% of Real Americans.
At the first debate, Bill Richardson has shown that he will just follow the Bush disastrous philosophy. So far, no Republican candidates, at the exception of Ron Paul, is in a position to make a significant and positive contribution to our Foreign Affairs.
Never too late to learn, but we do need, right now, a White House who already knows what to do, and anticipate. For the last six years, we have been led by sycophants who did not know there was a real world outside our borders, a world with their own identity, culture and history.
To the White House displeasure, those "others" decided to stand up against arrogance, lectures, bully tactics, from our irresponsible and rowdy politicians who have shamely used the weaknesses of democracy, for taking advantage of the ignorance of a population, combined with compliant media. We all pay the price today, and tomorrow will be more costly.
We, the people, deserve better. For doing so, we must also deserve the right to deserve better. Let's see if a majority of Americans know how to gain respect, and elect, this time, representatives who will respect the will of the many, by not ruling for the will of the few. This is how to promote democracy, by practising it at home. Foreigners will follow, if they so desire.
The Facilitator.
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