Bush, always too late
Our Dear President has the quality of being persistent: staying the course, lecturing us about something everybody understood before him, and being always too late to respond.
Too late to respond to 9/11; too late to learn about the history of Iraq; too late to listen to the right generals; too late to fire Rumsfeld; too late to understand a hurricane forecast; too late to get involved after Katrina; too late to realize our abdication to oil; too late to see that the roots of terrorists are harboured in Pakistan; too late to understand the importance in having strong relationship with the rest of the world; too late to avoid major mistakes in various nominations: John Bolton, Michael Brown, Michael Chertoff, a few Secretaries and judges; too late to understand that nominations to important functions, should be done on merits, qualities, not on friendship; too late to understand that we can not insult or ignore other countries, and then expect their cooperation; too late to understand the importance in having honest meetings with Iran and Syria; too late to understand not to bully North Korea; too late to get involved in Lebanon-Israel conflict; too late to have been a honest broker in Middle East; too late to fire Alberto Gonzales; too late to understand (if he ever does) how much damage his Vice President Cheney is doing to him and to the country; and many, many, many more examples.
And we will ignore all the things he still does not understand, besides Cheney:
1- we should stop promoting democracy abroad when we can not respect the great majority, at home;
2- we should stop lecturing others (Russia, China) about human rights when the real world can see our disastrous record;
3- our alarming two deficits (budget and trade); read our next article.
4- communist China is doing very well on economic and business development;
5- nobody is listening to us anymore, because we have lost all credibility;
6- China and Venezuela are establishing strong relationship in various and strategic parts of the world, while we are losing more and more allies, and creating more and more enemies.
7- global warming
8- legal and illegal immigration
9- Homeland Security not securing us
10- Super-Intelligence czar having wrong information about Castro' health, a real threat to America
11- we lost the war in Iraq the day we invaded the country
12- it has been a civil war for more than a year
13- the President himself did not support the troops, failing to provide the right equipment, the right plan, no plan and no support when they come home (injured or not)
14- most of the $700 billions have not been used for our soldiers nor for a better Iraq
15- how many more do we need to make our President understand that he is always too late. Surely not a comforting zone for feeling secure under our Commander-in-Chief.
As suggested in our previous two articles: "Much too late, Mr. Bush" and "Venezuela has a better image than US", our Dear Leader should have stayed home. For six years, the White House has completely ignored a market of 500 million people, at our own door.
The main purpose of our website "The Liaison", launched last September, is precisely to reach our Senators, members of Congress and staff at the White House, hoping they will see the light, and take concrete action, NOW.
As explained in our description, we have, and will continue to enumerate various suggestions and/or proposals to enhance our relationship with Latin America.
Mr. Bush should have stayed home, instead of making a mockery of us. His recent trip has just ignite more anti-American feelings, and show our ignorance, in-sincerity and dishonesty.
"We promise to deliver social justice to poor people in Latin America". First of all, what are the plans? Same as Iraq plan, or Katrina plan ??? Secondly, how about starting at home, and taking care of our own people sleeping in the streets, or the 40 millions who can not afford to be sick. How about the democratic Puerto Rico? How about our own soldiers coming back? Support the troops, should start at home.
Great material for Hugo Chavez.
Perhaps, for the White House, having our President carrying a few boxes of lettuce, will be used as a propaganda to show how much we care, and how much we assist the poor people of Latin America.
Sorry, Mr. Tony Snow, but the media in Latin America are not that stupid, to give you a credit for a few boxes of lettuce. Yes, yes, a ship, a few loans for houses....It is so small that Haliburton did not show any interest. A few peanuts versus the billions of Chavez.
But money is not everything. Even there, Chavez is doing a better job than us in his social and cultural approach.
By the way, who is who in our Foreign Policy Department? Are they qualified for that job? Time to fire a few people there, too. Is our Congress still sleeping?
The Facilitator.
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