U.S. Credibility: chose du passé
We have reached such a low level of respect from the real world, that the latest White House machination (1) against Iran, has been received as another laughing matter by other countries. More than 90% of readers of major newspapers in Canada, Britain, Europe and Asia have, once more, denigrated our irresponsible leaders, and unfortunately, our country.
The real world has so much disregard for us that people will believe anyone who confront us, either Putin, Ahmadinejad, Chavez, "bring them on".
It was another major mistake from the White House to name John Negroponte to assist our non-diplomat Secretary of State, via a spineless Congress and Senate. Contrary to her shortsighted view of the real world, Iran is not getting isolated. We are. Iran is building strategic alliances in Middle East, UAE, certain parts of Asia and Europe, and in Latin America. Us, we are losing more and more friends, and creating more and more enemies.
Our so-called expert in Russian affairs does not even realize that Russia is building important liaisons with China, at strategic levels (military, business, exchange programs). She prefers to lecture others about democracy, human rights, while ignoring our own shameful behaviour and wasting hundreds of millions on ex-Cubans in Miami.
The recent agreement with North Korea (whatever time it lasts) reveals how shortsighted is John Bolton, another of our non-diplomat ambassadors. According to Mr. Bolton, the said accord is rewarding countries who stand up long enough against us. Mr. Bolton, à la Dick Cheney, does not have the intellectual capacity to understand the energy and goodwill we have lost in the last five years.
To the credit of Ms Rice, she finally dares to stand up, and respond to Bolton. She could get a few more credits, by having the guts and courage to confront the Vice-President, to the benefits of the whole country. We can not rely upon the Congress nor the Senate. "Go Condi, Go. You are the only hope, so far".
In addition to losing face with North Korea, we have succeeded to antagonize 500 million Europeans. The European Community Parliament has approved a damning report on secret CIA flights (1,200) of terrorist suspects to states where they could face torture. The resolution condemned member states who accepted or ignored the practice, mostly Italy, Germany and Poland.
We desperately need a President (the next one, too late for this one) who will understand the importance of restoring our disastrous foreign policy, and the urgent need to install a sound program of Foreign Affairs. Unfortunately, so far, there is only one candidate with such a clairvoyance: Governor Bill Richardson.
The Facilitator
(1) Are Uranians using the same type of numbers than US? Or, our non-identified experts (are we still free?) forgot about that, as previously, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld did not have the decent knowledge about the different sects in Iraq.
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