Bush insults the Capital of Europe
In our Archive of November, we have an article "How to insult 85 million people in one hour", which describes the extremely lack of "savoir faire" of the President and Secretary of State. In one hour, both of them, with their usual arrogance, and ignorance, have insulted the people of Vietnam.
Last week, our Dear President used again the Senate recess to appoint Sam Fox as ambassador to Belgium. Bush resorted to the same cunningly attitude for nominating the non-diplomat, and non-qualified, John Bolton to the United Nations.
As we all know, Sam Fox is one of the main vile actor of the Swift-Boat Veterans for Truth, a series of lies and vicious ads against John Kerry. Unfortunately, 52% of the American people did not bother to search for the real facts. Most media were not better.
Our deranged, and deceitful president is sending an irresponsible cheater to represent us in Belgium. What kind of message are we sending to the 11 million Belgians? Either, they do not deserve more respect... or simply that we are a bunch of degrading people.
A major problem: Brussels is the capital of 495 million people, harbouring the headquarters of European Union. In addition, NATO, and Inbev the largest brewery in the world, are also located in Belgium. How can we forget the best chocolate Godiva and Neuhaus. How about the Belgian waffles? They really don't have any taste in the Bush-Cheney families?
"What a great nomination, Mr. Bush! You still did not learn the functions of an Ambassador?"
We will give you, for free, a very short lesson: one main function of an Ambassador is to represent the people of his (her) country.
So, in your great genius, you are sending a pervert degrading human being, to represent us.
It seems that Mr. Bush has a huge problem with his nominations, failures after failures. Perhaps, someone in the White House, or in the Republican Party, could ask him to read our article "Our Foreign Policy: the latest, latest faux pas", in our November Archive.
Again, we are asking the questions: Who is working in our Foreign Policy? Are they qualified for that important function? Is the Congress willing to do something? How about the Presidential candidates? Anyone of them can stand up?
The next generation will remember who was who, because our children will have to pay a heavy price for our silence, and inaction.
The Facilitator.
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