Friday, September 07, 2007

Another international gaffe by Bush

As we have mentioned several times before, Bush, Cheney and Rice should stay home. Every time they go abroad, they either insult their hosts and/or make a mockery of themselves.

Once more, our President has demonstrated his ignorance. In Australia, on Thursday, in front of the media gallery, he was not able to differentiate between APEC and OPEC, and praise the Austrian troops in Afghanistan, instead of the Australian troops.

When Bush understood his mistake, he tried to cover-up, by a bigger mistake, without realizing that he was lying to the media. By mentioning that he was confused between APEC and OPEC because the Australian Prime Minister previously invited him to the next OPEC meeting.

What Bush did not realize is, first of all, Mr. Howard can not invite anyone to any OPEC meeting, because Australia is not a member. United States can not be invited because we are not a member. And Mr. Howard is smart enough to know that. Only an ignorant Bush, and a liar, did not realize it.

The whole world is laughing at Bush. Unfortunately, when they are laughing at our President, they are laughing at us. Because of Bush, Cheney, Bolton and Rice, we have lost the respect and trust from the Real World.

For the sake of our future, of our children and grand’children, Bush and Cheney should resign, NOW. Forget the impeachment. Leaders of both parties, especially the Republicans, should convince both of them to resign. Find any excuse….Cheney is sick…..Bush has a mysterious malaise…anything.

Both of them, if they have a little honour, a little respect for the American people, a little pride for their country, should understand the damage they will continue to do, for the next 18 months.

If Bush is not drinking anymore, perhaps, he is benefiting from the large increase in opium production in Afghanistan.

It is time for the Congress to stand up, time for Reid and Pelosi, to stand up and be counted. It is amazing how the Republicans are suddenly anxious to get rid of Senator Craig, while, for years, they have protected and defended other members involved in much worse scandals. It is encouraging to notice the great efficiency of Homeland Security by securing our airports. How many billions for that?

We like to proclaim ourselves as the most powerful nation of the world, but we have shown our incompetence in managing an invasion, and a natural disaster. What is frightening the world: we have installed an ignorant simpleton in the White House, who is leading us to our demise, and we are doing nothing to stop him.

For the last ten years, we have seen our three auto makers losing productivity and their competitive advantages. Now, Toyota is producing and selling more cars than General Motors.
For the first time, in this new century, we have a negative rate of job creation, combined with fake statistics, for the reports of June and July, a revised figure by half from the previously announced so-called new jobs.

The Executives of Fannie Mae who have mismanaged $11 billions are still in place, in spite the fact that they are still cheating the shareholders, and taking advantage of certain home-owners, and probably having a few employees in conflict of interest.

All this, and so many more examples, are not the right recipe to assure our future. A united effort should be made to convince the tandem Bush-Cheney to resign. Elect Pelosi as a transition President, for the next 18 months, and show the world, that we can make mistakes, but, also we can correct them.

The Facilitator.