If I were Edwards (4)
Several months ago, we have mentioned that John Edwards should distinguish himself from the other presidential candidates, by adding the important Foreign Affairs to his agenda. Never too late.
He should attack right now all the Republican candidates, at the exception of Ron Paul, and ask them their strategy for our missile-defense bases in Europe. All five of them support the disastrous Bush doctrine, abroad.
We have seen in the article # 2 of our series "If I were Edwards", that Poland is not willing to accept a US base four our Missile-Defense Program. Now, according to a Czech pollster, CVVM,
the number of Czech citizens who feel negatively about the placement of American missile defense facilities in the Czech Republic has risen to 70 percent.
What are the tough Republicans, with no brain, planning to do? Force their selfish agenda again, against the will of the majority (we promote democracy abroad, right?).....or bribe their leaders as we did to build the Iraq coalition.....or invade both countries.....or accuse Russia to interfere in Europe......or blame Iran for......(something to come).
Edwards could also ask the same question to Hillary, because she is so afraid of Iran, or so pro-Pentagon. Experience of so many years, or 25 years of the same experience, or simply gullibility. We must rebuild our international image, and can not afford to repeat the same mistakes.
Our best defence and strength will be to close our 700 bases abroad, stop alienating the real world, and concentrate in protecting our own country, at home. Make sure we are fully secure against all attacks from outsiders.
As well, all politicians, bureaucrats, advisers, paid by American taxpayers should work for the exclusive interest of United States. Not for someone else.
The Facilitator.
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