Monday, January 07, 2008

If I were Edwards (3)

Change versus Experience.

Clinton claims her numerous years of experience in the White House as First Lady, before as the first lady of Arkansas, and now as Senator of New York. Having met and shaking hands with several leaders in Washington and/or abroad, is not a prerequisite gaining experience in Foreign Affairs and in managing the direction of the country.
Richardson pretends he has more experience because he has held several functions in the Clinton Administration, and has negotiated with a few foreign leaders. First of all, learning to be polite, knowing the customs of foreign countries and being able not to insult his hosts, are part of the experience. When Richardson showed the sole of his shoes to Sadam, that was a no, no. That was extremely poor behaviour.
The number of years in a function does not mean anything. Twenty-five years of experience, or 25 years of the same experience. That's the question, Edwards should ask to both of them. If they did not learn before, will they repeat the same fiasco we have seen with Bush-Cheney-Rice. Forget Bolton...and Lieberman....they are not working for the American people, but dare to be paid by the taxpayers.
The Facilitator