One way to secure our borders
(We are reproducing our article of October 1st, 2007, which could assist in enhancing the debate with certain presidential candidates)
There are better, and cheaper ways to protect our border with Mexico, which covers 1,951 miles.
- If the main reason to erect a wall of 700 miles (1/3 of the total border), consists in controlling the future number of illegal Mexicans in this country, we already know certain facts. We presently have about 12 million undocumented residents, who work at low wages or pay for various social benefits, that they will never take advantage of. Free money to the Government
Also, they don't always pay for the use of our hospital and school services, but pay taxes on items they purchase.The main and real question remains: what to do, now. There are various ways to find out who and where they are. But, assuming we gather all the information, do we keep them or force them to leave.
We do not need a wall for that. "Just wait, just wait, Mr. Lou Dobbs"The problem: how many more next year?
- If the real reason to erect a wall consists in eliminating all potential terrorists, in the event they are not already here, it is simply too late. The wall is not the solution.
We have a few suggestions with the following benefits:
* save $100 billion a year
* save face in Iraq
* create new jobs in our own country
* promote democracy
* positive approach with Latin America
* more security at home
We know, or should know, (because the world does), that our presence in Iraq has contributed to the cloning of hundreds and hundreds of Al-Qaeda groups and supporters. Perhaps, we should clone another Saddam for taking, and keeping control of Iraq.
Like it or not, there were three main sects before (we should have known that). They are still there today, they will still be there tomorrow...unless, we assist to a total genocide of one group.
There are two theories:
i- our presence in Iraq contributes to develop more enemies at a faster tempo that we succeed (or fail) to eliminate them
ii- if we leave, we will assist to a civil war (too late), or a greater chaos (already worse than the Saddam's regime).
We have a solution for leaving Iraq while saving face, regaining some credibility and respect from the rest of the world.
Let's see, first, the benefits in leaving Iraq. We could use our 147,000 soldiers to secure the 1,951 miles with Mexico. Imagine, we do not need a fence anymore. One soldier every 210 feet, with three shifts per day. We could save billions by not having to ship equipment overseas. We could create thousands of new jobs here, in United States, by not outsourcing billions and billions of dollars in food, shopping, fuel, repairs, and various articles.
This should definitely pleases Mr. Lou Dobbs of CNN: less outsourcing and a soldier every 210 feet for a more secure (and humane) border. Not only we could save $1.2 billion by not erecting the fence, but also, much more by decreasing the need of electronic equipment and high-tech TV cameras.
Our soldiers could be on the front line with the assistance of our border patrol as back-up or second levee, in case there is a breach on the front line. We could also use the thousands of trailers paid for Katrina, presently sleeping in the middle of nowhere, for assisting our troops.
Who said that the aftermath of Katrina was poorly planned? A United Front: the army, the reserve, the national guard, the border patrol....How better can we show the world that we are United..... After all, we are the United States of America....standing on guard, protecting our Mexican border, from Pacific Ocean to Gulf of Mexico. Additional benefits: it will be much easier to recruit new volunteers....less pressure tactics....Who would not like to serve our country in guarding our border against illegal immigrants or potential terrorists.
It is becoming harder and harder to fight the enemies abroad, instead of having to fight them at home. The problem: abroad becomes, more and more, a broader abroad, much longer and larger than 1,951 miles. It should be easier to stop the terrorists at our door.
We should remember that the actors of 9/11 were from inside. We will never succeed to stop the thinking of outsiders. Father Haliburton (Cheney, alias the real decider) will be mad, with such a scenario, but, if we want to promote democracy, we must show, and proof, that the will of the many, prevails over the will of the few.
So, Mr. Bush, tear down that wall. Republicans are very good at telling other countries to tear down their walls, and lecturing the world about democracy. Very ineffective at practising at home.
Now, for the solution of leaving Iraq, it is a simple, but practical idea. We will only share it with the new President. Forget the present Administration.
For those who believe we can win in Iraq, the question is: winning what? Who will pay for the 2 million people who have been displaced, and the million killed? How will we recover from the loss of prestige, credibility and trust? How about the trauma for our own soldiers and their families, when they come back? How about the collapse of our economy? How about the influence of China and Russia in strategic countries, gained at our own expense? How about the reputation of our so-called strongest army in the world, if we are still fighting after five years?
So, we are winning what?
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