Saving fuel
Instead of blaming speculators, the White House should start giving the example, and stop being responsible for the waste of gas.
A month ago, in Houston, hundreds of planes have lost about one hour of fuel, waiting for our irresponsible vice-president to leave the airport. How many times do we have the same scenario every time the disguised representative of Halliburton travels? Forget the inconveniences for thousands of passengers......he does not care.
Two weeks ago, our dear president infuriated (his expertise) more than 40,000 international travellers when several hundred airlines were delayed, for two hours, for landing at Heathrow Airport in London. Again, how many millions have been wasted, combined with a negative public image (another expertise of the Cheney-Bush Regime).
It is an embarrassment whenever Bush, Cheney, Rice go anywhere outside of Washington., not only by the security they need (being so popular), by the inconveniences to the citizens, and by their insults to the host countries.
How much taxpayers money are we losing, and how much fuel are we wasting, to have Laura Bush landing in Afghanistan, for a few minutes. An expensive smirk that we can not afford anymore.
Instead of blaming the speculators, perhaps the White House and their sycophants, should stop provoking Iran and Venezuela. Perhaps, Congress should force a more responsible use of taxpayers money, and find ways to better manage our economy and save fuel at home. Oops, forget it. Too much clairvoyance to ask from our Congress.
In summary: please, stay home....we will save fuel and stop creating more enemies.
The Facilitator.
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