Advice to Obama: be a Trudeau
Who is Trudeau? Need an explanation because 95% of our population do not know there is a world outside our borders. A very great number still do not know that more than fifteen countries have a better standard of living than us.
Pierre Trudeau has been Prime Minister of Canada for 16 years in the 70s. He was his own man, millionaire, superior intelligent, and was not afraid to stand up against the profiteers, lobbyists, pressure groups and religious fanatics.
He fought against the oil companies in Alberta, mostly Americans, as well against the separatists in Quebec, against a group of fascists financed or supported by Caisses Desjardins, a so-called financial institution which controls wicked judges via their personal loans and house mortgages.
Even Richard Nixon hated him.....being too smart, I guess, and not a poodle of the White House.
As described by Maureen Dowd, in New York Times, Obama recently answered a reporter: "I can't have fun's not allowed"
Obama must learn that he will never please everyone, and should not try. Forget the bigots, and other short-sighted arrogant Republican supporters, including Lieberman, and commentators at Fox News where so-called experts are so wrong, so often.
Fair and balanced, what a joke, with White House Karl Rove, and Bill Kristol and his smirk, and so many others. Amazing how the attacks on John Kerry have been ignored by the media, four years ago.
Obama must stand up and stop finding excuses or justifications. There is a lot of work to be done, here, in this country. Let McBush, McSame alias McCain travels in Iraq and support our troops over there, because he can not support them at home. We are winning what? How about the 2 trillion dollars wasted, the million people killed or handicapped, and the two million citizens displaced?
Forget our prestige, credibility, is gone...perhaps forever. The real world knows that we can not manage a war, can not manage Katrina, can not manage our economy, can not manage a health care system, an education program, and take care of our elderlies and poors.
Thanks to Cheney-Bush Regime and their sycophants, the real world will remember us for having elected the worse Army General or Commander in Chief since the creation of Adam and Eve.
The Facilitator
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