Friday, December 05, 2008

Suggestion to the Auto Industry

Forget wasting more money to the present incompetent management and inefficient three companies. No use to delay or postpone while wasting more money.

We do not need three companies any more: merge GM, Ford and Chrysler into two new entities, one taking over the best in the upper-middle vehicles, the other taking over the best in the lower range.

Need to fire all the present executives, no bonus to leave. Hire brilliant managers from various segments who can show initiative, savoir faire, at a salary competitive with their counterparts in Japan, South Korea and Europe.

Congress should also be fired, but not having asked the right questions before, and still ignoring major issues, right now. When the president of GM said they have learned from their mistakes, the question should be: what did you learn.

In Asia, when an executive makes a mistake, he resigns.

We can not fire the Congress, unfortunately, but Congress should fire the present mentality in Detroit.

The Facilitator