Friday, September 28, 2007

Canada: axis of evil

We are lucky to have only 100 we can limit the number of irresponsible, ignorant and arrogant statements, as well as the number of short-sighted and narrow-minded decisions.

Senators are erecting an alarming list of enemies. Soon, the whole world will be our enemy. . .or perhaps, the real world will be convinced that we are the enemy. We boycott Cuba, Chavez, North Korea, Palestine, Iran, and so many more. Congress did boycott the French Fries, and now MoveOn.

According to the brilliant (?) Senator of Colorado, Ken Salazar, at the hearings of Government Accountability Office, "there are more international terrorist organizations active in Canada than anywhere else in the world".

As the other 99 Senators (those who are not on the campaign trail), did not challenge the remark, they acquiesce. So, if our clairvoyant (?) Senators prohibit American companies to deal in Iran, in their great logic, they should also close the billions dollars a day trade between the two countries.
Oops....Canada is our biggest oil provider. Oops, we can not secure 1,900 miles with Mexico, how will we succeed to guard 5,100 miles with the Canadian borders.

To the naive and ignorant Senate, Canadians are not interested to move into our country. They are not looking for jobs here, they have a better health care system, a much better education program, a much higher quality of life, and they feel secure at home, and their children in schools.

Of course, to dissimulate our incompetence, we blame others. Senator Clinton blamed Canada for the entrance of the 19 hijackers in September 2001. It was easier to impress Americans, while ignoring that the terrorists, sponsored by our friends in Saudi Arabia, were in Florida for months before.

We blame Iran for our fiasco in Iraq. We blame Chavez for a series of left-leaning governments in Latin America, although they were elected by a majority (with all the votes counted as it should be in a real democracy). We blame Palestine for the problem in Lebanon. We blame North Korea for exporting nuclear weapon expertise, but we forget to blame Pakistan. We blame Syria for anything else.

It is not surprising that the real world is laughing at us, especially when we have a Senator (paid by the taxpayers) defending the interest of Israel at the expense of our own interest, and the future of our children.

To our credit, we have achieved something from our Iraq invasion: make their citizens (excluding the 4 millions who left, and the one million who have been killed), as secure as shopping in Indianapolis.

As mentioned in previous articles, in the last year, we, as Americans, have insulted 85 million Vietnamese, 300 million Europeans, and now 35 million Canadians. Early, this week, a president of a so-called university insulted 65 million Iranians, and has shown the whole world the extremely poor etiquette of the American people.

A University must be a centre for an exchange ideas, and respect of others who share a different opinion. The poor behaviour of a few fanatic groups confirm that freedom of ideas does not really exist in United States. The real world will not think otherwise, especially when the Senate and Congress dare to take a vote to condemn MoveOn.
Listening to different views becomes an opportunity to better understand the other party, and to establish a liaison for a possible agreement on something. Those who close the door just reveal their fear and how uncomfortable they are in their own shoes. To invite Ahminedijad was the right thing to do; to insult him, was the wrong thing to do.

From the Senate and Congress, we can not expect more from the Republicans. But, it is disappointing to see, again, and again, spineless Democrats, with no guts, no courage. They should concentrate on more important issue, starting by the boycott of irresponsible Senators.

For a better America, for a better future for our children, more than urgent time for a third option.

The Facilitator.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Exporting Insults (2)

Pursuant to our article of yesterday, "Exporting insults, ignorance, incompetence", we would like to share with you a few comments from readers.
From The Telegraph, London:
pigswill 25 Sep 2007 18:07
Well said. You are so right, unfortunately I am unable to expound further due to a pressing engagement. Good luck.
whatmustafricado 25 Sep 2007 18:11
yes that shows how uncivilized some american people are. it was very disgraceful. i know whitehouse is behind all, just to disgrace the sovereignty of another country. the iranian president exhibited to the world how civilized and dimplotic he was to stand all that nonsense. I wish it was chavez to lash on the president of the uni.bUSH is one of the worst leaders to exist in the history of the world. there is an end to anything and i know bUSH admin days are numbered. i gave you my vote.
From John Edwards blog:
SAD indeed. And I fear that we are losing the ability to think critically--it's being trained out of us. Along with an understanding of the old social contracts..we have generations now that lost that understanding and the ability to anticipate how such ignorance will eventually come back and bite them in the collective ass.
I've been well hammered even in this forum by "progressive" folks with pink glasses welded to their heads, amazed that I dare to suggest there are other colors.
Scary times my friend...thanks for your post.
by Fr4nki on 9/25/2007 at 2:23 PM CST

There's a movement toward the Euro as the currency of exchange. That would cause great disruption and compromises to the American markets. It is wise of Edwards to hang around that hedge fund and the Council on Foreign Relations for a while to gain a better knowledge of the international monetary system and its many inputs. Oklahoma Voter
by OklahomaVoter on 9/25/2007 at 9:27 PM CST
Comments by a reader:
Well, in the last three days, I believe I've seen/heard about enough of this Iranian President to last me several lifetimes.
Still an unanswered question in my mind as to what, if anything, he was hopeful of `gaining' insofar as `US public opinion'...?
On a dispassionate note though, I couldn't help visualizing GWB along with Ahmadinejad as veritable mirror-images... the highest embarassments to both countries and the "worst" of what their nations can represent.
Reply by The Facilitator:
First, Ahmadinejad has the guts to go in front of a foreign audience, while Bush can not even dare to face the American public
Two, Iran did not invade any country.
Third, Ahmadinejad is willing to face Bush in a Forum at UN. Bush is shitting in his pant.
Fourth, Iran did not displace 4 million people nor killed a million Iraqis.
Fifth, US has weapon of mass destruction, and allows India, Pakistan, Israel to build nuclear weapons, while Iran can not have such a privilege to defend herself. We know what happened in Iraq.
Iraq was a stable nation before the US invasion. Now, it is chaos in hell, at the border of Iran.
What US would do if Chavez was invading Mexico or Canada? Be quiet???
US forbids US companies to deal with Iran, while Haliburton via irresponsible hypocrite Cheney has quite a good operation in Iran via subsidiaries.
Who is lying here? Who is laughing at his own people? Who is having his own citizens killed.
The invasion was supposed to get rid of weapons of mass destruction. Then, it became a promotion of democracy. Now, we must restore chaos in hell, situation we have created.
The real world does not need us, anymore. We should take care of all our problems at home.
by The Facilitator (The Liaison)on 9/25/2007 at 7:57 PM CST
re: The Facilitator...
I cannot take-issue with your statements above, or, with the implications of its questions... because they (pretty much) seem to represent an overlay of my feelings.
Do you think it realistic to anticipate an overwhelming Dem majority in the House and Senate next election... enough to assure the power-base for real change?
by JawsandPaws (
I don't trust realism anymore...
If the dems would stop acting like geldings every once in a while I would. If the press would remember what they are supposed to be doing; if the Republicans would find their conscience; if America had not lost sight of her promise; if, only if.
It's disheartening to watch the democrats capitulate time after time to this mad man so what IF they do gain control? They've becomes such shrinking lemmings it matters very little.
I worry too that the business of hijacking the vote has become so scientific and successful that it doesn't even matter who gets voted into office--those that really hold power will forward their champions and they will ascend the thrown.
Sorry, I feel awfully jaded tonight. On the up side though, with all the positive press about HRC, one hardly needs to use the ipecac anymore...
eh... by Fr4nkie
Excerpts from Huffington Post, article by Byron Williams
Bollinger Managed to Out-Ahmadinejad Ahmadinejad
Posted September 25, 2007 04:29 PM (EST)

* Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad comes to town and we lose our national etiquette.
* Columbia University had three choices: Deny Ahmadinejad the opportunity to speak, allow him to speak, or allow him speak with the additive of American arrogance and propaganda. Sadly, they chose the third option; and Ahmadinejad got what he wanted--to portray America as the unreasonable one in this dangerous game that belies his propensity to smile as he offers his bona fides to the world.There is something about our national psyche that will not allow us to ignore a fight no matter how petty it may be. It appears that Ahmadinejad understands this for better than we do.
Reply by The Facilitator:
Very well said, Byron. The Real World surely agree with you.
Unfortunately, half of Americans still do not understand that we don't control the planet, anymore. We need more friends, not enemies.
You should visit: and read their latest article "Exporting insults, ignorance, incompetence"
Our US dollar lost 65% of its value in the last five years. We have lost much more: our prestige, trust, credibility, respect. Feel sorry for the next generation. We are back to the 50s. We just replaced communism by terrorism. This time, we are creating the enemy.
Reply posted 07:53 am on 09/26/2007
Excerpts from New York Times, editorial by Maureen Dowd: "FRUITBAT" at Bat.
* New York’s hot blast of nastiness, jingoism and xenophobia toward its guest, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, only served to pump him up for his domestic audience. Iranians felt that their president had tied everyone in knots, including the “Zionist Jews,” as Iranian state television said. The Times reports that Mohsen Rezai, a former head of the Revolutionary Guards, was on TV criticizing the rude treatment his president received: “It is shocking that a country that claims to be civilized treats him that way.”
* Reagan was able to help the Soviet Union — and world communism — to fall apart. All W. has managed to do is destroy the country he wanted to turn into a democracy and make Iran more powerful than it was before.
* Once you’ve made the decision to invite a tyrannical leader, you can’t undo it by belittling him in public. Universities are supposed to be places where you can debate and hear dissenting voices; it would have been far better just to hand the mike to the students and let it rip.
* President Bush is the one who hardened the Iranian resolve to get a nuclear weapon with his policy of negotiating with countries like North Korea that have nukes and invading countries that don’t, like Iraq. W. and his advisers always act shocked that Iran is meddling in Iraq.

The Facilitator will not argue with beauty, brain, knowledge, and judgment.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Exporting insults, ignorance, incompetence

Worse than exporting jobs, we just persist in showing the real world our lack of savoir-faire, our ignorance and our incompetence. In the last 52 weeks, we have published several articles about the extreme poor behaviour of the White House. It is becoming contagious, now, at various levels of our society.
Insults: We have said before that every time Bush, Cheney and Rice go abroad, they insult their hosts. This week, a so-called University President has shown extreme poor manners with a series of insults to the President of Iran. Coming from the White House, we can understand, and can not expect better. Coming from a learning institution, the real world is surely surprised, chocked and disgusted. When we invite a foreign leader, we must show a minimum of decency. Agree or not with his policies. The real world has noticed, and again, we pay the price.

1) The Congress, the media, the politicians, and especially University professors and students, (forget the White House), should know that the President of Iran is not the ONE who makes decisions about foreign policy and the country day to day operation. He is mostly a representative figure. Our tough politicians who are talking about a change of regime just show how stupid they are. By removing the existing President of Iran, will not change the 65 million Iranians.

Same story with Cuba and the brainwashed ex-Cubans in Miami (still not real Americans). Replacing Castro will not change the great majority of 11 million REAL Cubans. Only a bunch of idiots in the Congress can not understand that...or are not interested to understand.

2) Once more, the coward Congress shows their lack of clairvoyance by insisting to erect trade barriers with China, or asking China to re-evaluate their currency. Only ignorant Congress people can not understand that a stronger renminbi (yuan) will cost us more in annual interests for paying our alarming debt, and, of course, our importing goods, will also become quite expensive.

Only irresponsible Congress members can not understand that our arrogance will simply incite China, and other funds providers (to support our mismanagement of debts) to look for better and safer countries where to put their savings (because we did not learn how to save).

3) Only an irresponsible and short-sighted Congress still can not see the consequences of the fall of our dollar, a 65% decline in value in the last five years, against the Euro and Canadian loonie.

We guess, it was more important to vote against an ad of MoveOn, and show the real world that the freedom of ideas in United States, is only a dream.

This probably explains why we are so afraid to listen to foreigners. We prefer to attack foreign leaders, and naively build their own prestige in the real world and stature in their respective country, like we did, and still do with Castro, Chavez, Ahmadinejad, Arafat, and so many others.

We are so well appreciated from the rest of the world, that as soon as we support a candidate in any country, you can bet that he will lose; if we attack a candidate, he will win. A heck of a job, by the present White House.

Incompetence: We (minus 35% of gullible Americans) know the series of nominations by the White House to unqualified sycophants. We can not stop the rest of the world for laughing at our electoral system which does not allow to fire incompetent public servants.

But, the least we can do, is taking measures for not repeating the same mistakes at the business levels, especially with government sponsored companies, such as Fannie Mae. The real world can, perhaps, understand that politicians are politicians, but will never accept that a Congress and shareholders keep in place Executives with lack of ethics, who are cheating investors, and abusing their power against regular homeowners, in good faith.

As we have predicted, several months ago, we are starting to hear from European and Asian companies looking at the possibility to withdraw their listings to New York Stock Exchange. And it is only a beginning. London, Hong Kong and Singapour Stock Exchanges are becoming more attractive, for various reasons we have previously elaborated.

Congress should stand up and take action about changing the regime at Fannie Mae, whose executives, still do not know how to file earnings statement, after almost a year. Are they playing with figures, for fooling the public, again? Such a vote will be more productive to our reputation, and to the home market, than a vote against MoveOn. Let's be serious, be mature, and move-on on strategical issues: ethics in business, ethics in politics.

Then, and only then, we might regain a little of our credibility, and trust with the Real World.

The Facilitator.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Bernanke, not better than Bush

The real world knows not to expect anything constructive from the present White House. But, from the Federal Reserve Board, it becomes quite depressive and alarming.

Our Chairman was in Berlin, early this week, and disappointed the financial markets, by asking other countries to work together with the United States to right a skewed pattern of trade and investment around the globe, a move that would help worldwide economic stability.

Ben S. Bernanke said that a high savings rate among oil-producing nations and Asian countries continued to help depress interest rates by keeping financial markets flush with cash. But Mr. Bernanke warned against banking on the steady flow of cheap money — which helped stoke overly lax mortgage lending and the recently punctured housing bubble — over the long term.
Typical White House, Mr. Bernanke gave an almost academic discourse about global trade imbalances and his theory that a “global savings glut,” concentrated in the world’s poorer countries, had helped keep interest rates low and contributed to the United States’ high rate of foreign indebtedness.

Of course,Mr. Bernanke conspicuously avoided the topics that have fixated investors lately: the turmoil in credit markets, the risk of an American recession or the Fed’s readiness to lower interest rates at its policy meeting next week.

In other words, we (United States) have created a mess in the financial market. Now, you, the rest of the world, should work with us to fix it.

We (United States) have created chaos in hell in Iraq. Now, you, the rest of the world, should work with us to fix it.

We (United States) have a negative rate of savings. You, the rest of the world should stop savings.

According to our dear Chairman:

- Other countries must work together to fix my country's global imbalances
- We are the great advocate of a free market, but it is OK to interfere when we need help for fixing our economy built on debts, and more debts.

- We have spent over and over, and borrowed more and more, and now, you, the rest of the world, should help us to cover our excesses at home, and expenses in Iraq

Mr. Bernanke is learning fast from the White House, always blaming others for problems we have created.

Is Bernanke looking for an international bailout? Will he ask the World Bank for assistance?

Fannie Mae:

Another example of our financial negligence, and stupidity. How can we convince the rest of the world about our due diligence and good corporate governance, when the Executives of Fannie Mae, who have mismanaged $11 billion, are still in place? How can we explain that the shareholders, Congress and White House do not fire Executives who are cheating the investors, laughing at the public, and abusing certain homeowners for protecting their conflict of interest?

The Facilitator

Friday, September 07, 2007

We do not dictate, anymore (2)

We are pleased to publish a few comments about our article of September First.

From John Edwards blog:

Nice work.
It IS time for us to stop focusing on something other than war. That includes throwing stones at a government. If you want to be part of the war stopping revolution -- you need to practice the "Ghandi" type of expression that nmakes the power of positive words powerful to the degree it is for the most number of people involved.

by 1Belle101 on 9/02/2007 at 1:28 PM CST

From The Telegraph, England

“im very impress with this blog and i wish all americans will think like you. Bush has created hatred for all americans everywhere. you cant go somewhere today and be proud to be an american, you are rather calling for harm on yourself if you do that because everybody seems to think all americans support what the eagle Bush is doing.The only solution to this is impeachment, i wish congress can do that right away so Mrs Clinton would be install. Also there must be justice and fairness. Nobody else but Israel has also caused this to americans. You guys should stop supporting and mingling with the jewish, they always want their interest to be attended. The war in the middle east is not in any interest but for a specific mission and for the interest of Israel.

By mustafricado

From the e-mail:

Your blog is inspirational.Would you allow me to join your group? Rgds.

By S. F. Integrity 2008

From The Facilitator

Thanks. Greatly appreciate your good words. Hope you and me can make a difference, by stimulating the members of our 110th Congress to stand up and be counted. We just need more responsible politicians. We have more than enough with short-sighted, narrow-minded and ignorant members who have no courage in politics to fight for "we, the people". In a real democracy, the voice of the many prevails over the interest of the few.

Another international gaffe by Bush

As we have mentioned several times before, Bush, Cheney and Rice should stay home. Every time they go abroad, they either insult their hosts and/or make a mockery of themselves.

Once more, our President has demonstrated his ignorance. In Australia, on Thursday, in front of the media gallery, he was not able to differentiate between APEC and OPEC, and praise the Austrian troops in Afghanistan, instead of the Australian troops.

When Bush understood his mistake, he tried to cover-up, by a bigger mistake, without realizing that he was lying to the media. By mentioning that he was confused between APEC and OPEC because the Australian Prime Minister previously invited him to the next OPEC meeting.

What Bush did not realize is, first of all, Mr. Howard can not invite anyone to any OPEC meeting, because Australia is not a member. United States can not be invited because we are not a member. And Mr. Howard is smart enough to know that. Only an ignorant Bush, and a liar, did not realize it.

The whole world is laughing at Bush. Unfortunately, when they are laughing at our President, they are laughing at us. Because of Bush, Cheney, Bolton and Rice, we have lost the respect and trust from the Real World.

For the sake of our future, of our children and grand’children, Bush and Cheney should resign, NOW. Forget the impeachment. Leaders of both parties, especially the Republicans, should convince both of them to resign. Find any excuse….Cheney is sick…..Bush has a mysterious malaise…anything.

Both of them, if they have a little honour, a little respect for the American people, a little pride for their country, should understand the damage they will continue to do, for the next 18 months.

If Bush is not drinking anymore, perhaps, he is benefiting from the large increase in opium production in Afghanistan.

It is time for the Congress to stand up, time for Reid and Pelosi, to stand up and be counted. It is amazing how the Republicans are suddenly anxious to get rid of Senator Craig, while, for years, they have protected and defended other members involved in much worse scandals. It is encouraging to notice the great efficiency of Homeland Security by securing our airports. How many billions for that?

We like to proclaim ourselves as the most powerful nation of the world, but we have shown our incompetence in managing an invasion, and a natural disaster. What is frightening the world: we have installed an ignorant simpleton in the White House, who is leading us to our demise, and we are doing nothing to stop him.

For the last ten years, we have seen our three auto makers losing productivity and their competitive advantages. Now, Toyota is producing and selling more cars than General Motors.
For the first time, in this new century, we have a negative rate of job creation, combined with fake statistics, for the reports of June and July, a revised figure by half from the previously announced so-called new jobs.

The Executives of Fannie Mae who have mismanaged $11 billions are still in place, in spite the fact that they are still cheating the shareholders, and taking advantage of certain home-owners, and probably having a few employees in conflict of interest.

All this, and so many more examples, are not the right recipe to assure our future. A united effort should be made to convince the tandem Bush-Cheney to resign. Elect Pelosi as a transition President, for the next 18 months, and show the world, that we can make mistakes, but, also we can correct them.

The Facilitator.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

We do not dictate, anymore

The 20th century has been recognized for the American power, American prestige, American know-how. Only seven years in the 21st century, and we already have lost our credibility and respect. Before, foreign leaders were coming to Washington. In the last few years, Washington has been going abroad, as never before, for trying to appease other nations. No use to enumerate the numerous trips of Cheney and Rice, all of them, without any significant success.

Military power, threats, bullying approaches, boycotts, embargoes, do not scare foreigners, anymore. Even Panama does stand up against us. The consequences are more negative to us, than to those we try to influence.

The narrow-minded, short-sighted, arrogant and ignorant staff at the White House are not the only ones to blame. The members of the 109th and 110th Congress bear also a great responsibility. And they are far to be smarter in regard to our Foreign Affairs.

Who do we think we are, to tell others to re-evaluate their currency? If we take China, as an example, our Congress is so ignorant that they do not realize that a stronger yuan will increase the amount of our debt, and require, every years, billions more dollars, just to pay the interest.

We are blaming China for the contamination of certain products. But who is giving the purchase orders? Chinese or American companies? Who is asking for the specifications? Who is asking for the cheapest price?

American consumers are also responsible. They are looking for cheap products, and they are shopping at stores that offer them. Of course, the quality, and the safety, are not at the top of the production line. If parents want a toy without lead, they should not expect to pay $10. but perhaps $15.

We are in a free country, so far. No one obliges us to buy products from China. No one forces us to sell Treasury Notes to China. We should blame ourselves. Of course, it is always easier to ignore responsibility in economic matter, as in politics. Easier to blame Iran for our fiasco in Iraq, but forget that Saudi Arabia is arming Sunnis, Al Qaeda was not there before, our invasion was extremely poorly managed, and thousands and thousands of equipment have been stolen.

We have succeeded in decreasing the oil production and distribution in Iraq, and increasing the production and sale of opium from Alghanistan. Perhaps, we have been fooled again: the invasion was not for the oil, but for the opium. That could explain the strange judgment and behaviour of Cheney, Rice, Bolton, Negroponte, Gonzales, Chertoff, and other Bushies.

It is not the fault of China, Iran or Chavez if we have a negative savings rate, if we post an alarming trade and budget deficits, if our school system does not compete with the real word, if we have a few million home owners who bought a house they can not afford, etc. etc.

Two years ago (Katrina), we were told by the Bush family and their sycophants not to play the blame game. Amazing how the social and family values of 2004 have changed.....or did they really changed.....or simply, most of the 52% were blind by their faith?

The future does not look too bright, either. None of all the presidential candidates did dare to recognize the problem. How can they elaborate any solution? Easier to get a few electoral points, by blaming China, Iran and Chavez (till we find someone else, for something else). Same hypocrisy with outsourcing, and democracy. Tough talk, but no concrete action.

Members of the Congress should look into their respective mirror: they will see our enemies. Forget the White House: Bush family has installed the kind of distorted mirrors we find in a circus. Unfortunately, the rest of the world is progressing while we are losing our time, energy, resources, and money, to justify our state of denial. Do we need a revolution to reverse the trend? Is there any presidential candidate who can apply "courage in politics"?

The Facilitator