Canada + 43, U.S. -63
Canada, with a population of 35 million, has created 43,000 new jobs in February, while, us, with a population of 325 million, were losing 63,000 jobs. For the second straight month, Canada is showing a positive result, while we are revealing a negative factor.
Something is wrong, really wrong.....and it has been wrong for a long time. The Congress did not do its job, combined with the complacency of the media, as they did for the first five years of the Cheney-Bush Regime.
An irresponsible and short-sighted Congress, wasting time and taxpayers money for changing French fries to Freedom fries, and inquiring about the use of drugs by baseball players. Now, our Representatives will challenge the decision to give an aircraft contract to an European firm, while two presidential candidates will argue about abolishing NAFTA.
Our elected representatives definitely need more clairvoyance and maturity. Unfortunately, the media are not doing their job by keeping us informed about the real and serious issues facing our future standard of living. We are getting the government we deserve, which explains that 28% still believe Cheney-Bush-Rice triumvirate is doing a great job.
The Facilitator