Monday, July 07, 2008

It is the Congress, stupid

Twice, last Summer, we have asked the removal of the Executives at Fannie Mae. It was insane and irresponsible for the Congress to ask additional funds for supporting a management who has mismanaged more than $11 billion in previous years.

Recently, the Federal Reserve chairman, Ben S. Bernanke, and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson have both urged Freddie Max and Fannie Mae i to raise additional capital from investors. Easy to say, but investors are a little smarter than Congress.

Now, typical White House, they propose to change the accounting rules in an desperate effort to raise $75 billion in additional capital — an enormous sum for two firms that have already asked investors for $25 billion since last December. The new trend in our country: a loss will become an asset. We will surely impress the real world...again.
Instead of lecturing the world, Mr. Paulson should stay home, like all other members of the White House, save fuel, and taxpayers money, and try to replace the incompetent team at Fannie Mae. There is no use to give more money to executives who have no ethics, no moral and no competence. Again, typical regime of Cheney-Bush years.
As we have previously stated before, twice last Summer, once more last Fall, once more last Winter, the whole Executive of Fannie Mae should be fired, and replaced by more competent and honest people. Like everything else under this scandalous administration, we will have to suffer loses. Better do it now, save and protect what can be recuperated, instead of losing everything later.
Never too late, to wake up, Congress. Your children will blame you for your coward behaviour of yesterday, but will never excuse you for your stupidity of today.
The Facilitator.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Saving fuel

Instead of blaming speculators, the White House should start giving the example, and stop being responsible for the waste of gas.
A month ago, in Houston, hundreds of planes have lost about one hour of fuel, waiting for our irresponsible vice-president to leave the airport. How many times do we have the same scenario every time the disguised representative of Halliburton travels? Forget the inconveniences for thousands of passengers......he does not care.
Two weeks ago, our dear president infuriated (his expertise) more than 40,000 international travellers when several hundred airlines were delayed, for two hours, for landing at Heathrow Airport in London. Again, how many millions have been wasted, combined with a negative public image (another expertise of the Cheney-Bush Regime).
It is an embarrassment whenever Bush, Cheney, Rice go anywhere outside of Washington., not only by the security they need (being so popular), by the inconveniences to the citizens, and by their insults to the host countries.
How much taxpayers money are we losing, and how much fuel are we wasting, to have Laura Bush landing in Afghanistan, for a few minutes. An expensive smirk that we can not afford anymore.
Instead of blaming the speculators, perhaps the White House and their sycophants, should stop provoking Iran and Venezuela. Perhaps, Congress should force a more responsible use of taxpayers money, and find ways to better manage our economy and save fuel at home. Oops, forget it. Too much clairvoyance to ask from our Congress.
In summary: please, stay home....we will save fuel and stop creating more enemies.
The Facilitator.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Don't blame the speculators

The White House and their sycophants are quite alert for denouncing the blame game when they are at faults (Katrina, as one of so many examples), but quite prompt to use the blame game for justifying the accumulation of fiascoes and mismanagement.

According to the Republican propaganda machine, and their corrupted media, we should blame the speculators for the high price of oil. In the last 18 months, the barrel went from $50. to $150. In addition, Cheney-Bush Regime would like us to believe that we should increase the production, here and abroad.
In spite of several trips and kneeling in Saudi Arabia, the disguised Halliburton representative did not succeed too well. Now, let's see what the real world knows about us:
1- the collapse of our US dollar
2- the mismanagement of our economy (foreclosures, no new real jobs, etc.)
3- no refinery built in this country for more than 20 years
4- no incentive to save energy and create other alternatives
5- an irresponsible Congress who did not force the automakers to produce more efficient cars
6- the 2 or 3 trillion dollars wasted in Iraq and Aflghanistan
7- our snobbish and arrogant attitude
8- the accumulation of insults and lectures when our representatives visit other countries
9- the continuous threats to Venezuela and Iran, two major oil producers and influential members of OPEC
A great majority of shrewd war analysts, including politicians in Israel, have confirmed the mistake of Israel to attack Lebanon. It was the responsibility of any decent US Administration to warn Israel, but Rice with her smirk contributed to the fiasco by delaying the end of the failed invasion.
Same mistake again, now, with Israel, once more, trying to be tough, with the complicitous silence of the White House. It will be easy for Iran to block the Hermuz Strait, in spite of the childish response of certain members of the Pentagon.
With such a scenario, as described before, what do speculators do? They simply speculate. They buy oil today at $145. a barrel, because they believe it will eventually reach $200. or $250. or $300. They speculate that our irresponsible Congress and White House will continue to be irresponsible.
We have millions of shareholders in this country. They are all investors and speculators. They do buy stocks because they want a protection against inflation, and also, because they believe, for whatever reason, the price will be higher tomorrow.
According to the great intelligent short-sighted, narrow-minded sycophants of the White House and Republican Party, we should also close all the stock markets in this country, and leave the real free market in the hands of more mature people in London, Hong Kong and Singapore.
So, we should not blame speculators, but blame Cheney, Bush, Rice, Bolton, Lierberman, Wolfowitz, and their puppets.
The Facilitator.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Advice to Obama: be a Trudeau

Who is Trudeau? Need an explanation because 95% of our population do not know there is a world outside our borders. A very great number still do not know that more than fifteen countries have a better standard of living than us.
Pierre Trudeau has been Prime Minister of Canada for 16 years in the 70s. He was his own man, millionaire, superior intelligent, and was not afraid to stand up against the profiteers, lobbyists, pressure groups and religious fanatics.
He fought against the oil companies in Alberta, mostly Americans, as well against the separatists in Quebec, against a group of fascists financed or supported by Caisses Desjardins, a so-called financial institution which controls wicked judges via their personal loans and house mortgages.
Even Richard Nixon hated him.....being too smart, I guess, and not a poodle of the White House.
As described by Maureen Dowd, in New York Times, Obama recently answered a reporter: "I can't have fun's not allowed"
Obama must learn that he will never please everyone, and should not try. Forget the bigots, and other short-sighted arrogant Republican supporters, including Lieberman, and commentators at Fox News where so-called experts are so wrong, so often.
Fair and balanced, what a joke, with White House Karl Rove, and Bill Kristol and his smirk, and so many others. Amazing how the attacks on John Kerry have been ignored by the media, four years ago.
Obama must stand up and stop finding excuses or justifications. There is a lot of work to be done, here, in this country. Let McBush, McSame alias McCain travels in Iraq and support our troops over there, because he can not support them at home. We are winning what? How about the 2 trillion dollars wasted, the million people killed or handicapped, and the two million citizens displaced?
Forget our prestige, credibility, is gone...perhaps forever. The real world knows that we can not manage a war, can not manage Katrina, can not manage our economy, can not manage a health care system, an education program, and take care of our elderlies and poors.
Thanks to Cheney-Bush Regime and their sycophants, the real world will remember us for having elected the worse Army General or Commander in Chief since the creation of Adam and Eve.
The Facilitator