Words are not important?
Two months ago, Hillary was complaining about a few mottoes of Obama. Only words. No meaning. Now, she is paying a lot attention to bitterness. So much, that she has nothing else to offer, but find out ways to distort Obama's speech.
She wanted to look tough by voting for the war in Iraq. Now, she is using her father's guns...and she goes to church too. If she can not (do not want to admit) that a great majority of people are bitter in this country, she is really out of touch.
A frustrated woman from the 60s who pretends not to use the gender card. It is discouraging to see that 30% of the public still believe the Cheney-Bush regime did a heck of a job. It is more discouraging to see so many Democrats in Pennsylvania not seeing the real Hillary, and what is best for the future of this country.
More than time for a wake-up call in Pennsylvania, if Democrats do not want to repeat the mistake of 2004, by choosing Kerry. To the credit of Kerry, he understood that Obama was the right choice at the right time, not only within our borders, but also for restoring our collapsing image and prestige with the rest of the real world.
Question to Bill: who will wear the pants in the White House? If your wife is too tired at 11 p.m., and succeed to lie, what will happen at 3 a.m.? There is a huge difference between misquoting and lying. We have enough lies from the White House....and more than enough of excuses and blames.
The Facilitator.