Running the Gauntlet to Freedom
By Harry Emilio Gottlieb
Recently we once again witnessed the shameful way this country is dealing with illegal aliens trying to reach our shores. Ten poor souls risked life and limb by crossing hundreds of miles of open seas in a futile attempt to reach freedom in the U.S.A.
Millions of dollars are being spent on technology and personnel in an effort to protect our borders from terrorists and illegal entry. But we can't even detect a few desperate guys in a slow moving, ragtag boat from arriving within a several miles of Miami Beach. How is it possible that even local TV station helicopters spotted this boat before the Coast Guard and Homeland Security? That is not much security for all of the money we are paying!
I am half-Cuban. I fully understand and sympathize with the plight of Cuban exiles. I am aware of the pain that Cubans have experienced by loosing their country, their youth and splitting up families. I know that most Latinos in the U.S.A. vote Democratic, but most Cubans in Miami vote Republican out of hatred for the perceived betrayal of Kennedy and his party during the Bay of Pigs fiasco.
I am totally opposed to the so-called Wet Foot Dry Foot policy that the Clinton administration instituted and which is still in effect. What kind of message are we sending with this football scenario to win freedom by getting into the opponent's end zone through all of our tacklers? Or is this more reminiscent of the old western films were the soldier had to prove himself a courageous warrior by running the gauntlet and surviving the beatings of the Indian braves?
This country is made up of immigrants from all parts of the world. But entry to the country must not be allowed to revert to illegal entry and a free-for-all penetration of our boarders and coastlines. We must not tolerate illegal entry from any country, at any time. Immigration to this country must be earned and not stolen.
There are millions of illegal immigrants living in the U.S.A. and thousands more arriving every year. This must not be tolerated. Let's not attempt to rationalize the situation by using the term "undocumented aliens." This issue must not be politicized. This issue must not benefit any one party by recruiting future voters. We must not permit amnesty and reward citizenship for performing illegal acts of entry to our country.
P.S. Harry Emilio Gottlieb, author of this article, was born in Detroit, with a Cuban - American heritage. He now lives in Greater Miami, and is involved in real estate projects and various community services.
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