Letter to the President
Dear Mr. Bush,
We have a solution for Iraq, a solution that will save us $100 billion a year, thousands of lives, and allows us to regain some trust and credibility. The said solution will also enhance your legacy, assure a better future for our children, and reverse the alarming and increasing rate of enemies.
Mr. President, you must recognize that we have made mistakes, after mistakes, in Iraq. Every time we change the course.......oops, the tactics, we just show to the world, that we do not know what we are doing. Soon, no one will believe in the "savoir faire" of American Management or Consultant Companies. We will be losing international contracts, relations and clients.
Meanwhile, Chinese, Asian and European companies and authorities are taking advantage of our imbroglio in Iraq and Afghanistan, combined with our deteriorating foreign policy. Mr. President, you should know by now that we can not continue to insult every nation that dares to disagree with the White House.
We do not give other nations too much choice with a philosophy of "You are with us, or against us". Not being with us on one particular policy, does not mean they are against us......but, it is surely an incentive not to be with us again, for a future policy.....and eventually, to be against us, for all policies. You see.....we still have something to learn from the "Old Europe". Even from our ex-good neighbour, Canada.
The situation in Iraq will not be resolved by politicians and military generals. The situation is getting worse and worse. Spain and Italy have been leaving. Next year, Britain is also supposed to call back their 8,000 soldiers. Who and how do we replace them?
Redeploying more soldiers to Baghdad was another mistake, and believing that securing Baghdad will secure Iraq, becomes an additional mistake.
To save face in Iraq, and our future, is a too important task to be left into the hands of politicians and military generals. Mr. President, you need someone from the street, from outside your "entourage". We represent several well-respected citizens, and professionals from various fields, and we have a solution.
We just need 10 minutes of your time, alone. No Vice President, no Secretary of Defense, no Secretary of State. You agree with our solution, or you won't. If you agree, you will understand the strategy in having a private meeting with you. You have nothing to lose, but 10 minutes, while taking a chance to assure a greater future for our children, and improve your legacy.
Very Sincerely Yours,
The Facilitator
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